
How to disable quick access windows 10
How to disable quick access windows 10

how to disable quick access windows 10 how to disable quick access windows 10

Shell32.Folder2 f = (Shell32.Folder2)shellAppType.InvokeMember("NameSpace",. Object shell = Activator.CreateInstance(shellAppType) This will add a link Type shellAppType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("Shell.Application") You need to add a reference to "Microsoft Shell Controls and Automation". Hide Ribbon including Quick Access Toolbar: if you do not want to show the Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar in the Outlook interface, just click the Ribbon Display Options button at the top-right corner > Auto-hide Ribbon.I was able to get this to work in C# using shell32 based on the information in this post and some info on shell32 from this post Show hidden Ribbon including Quick Access Toolbar: just click the Ribbon Display Options button at the top-right corner of Outlook interface > Show Tabs and Commands. Sometimes, the whole Ribbon including the Quick Access Toolbar disappears from the Outlook 2013 interface, and make you annoyed to search for commands. Note: Due to Outlook 2007’s main interface showing in classic view, there is no Ribbon at all, therefore, we can’t change the Quick Access Toolbar location in Outlook 2007’s main interface. If the Quick Access Toolbar has already been below the Ribbon, just click the Arrow button > Show Above the Ribbon. Then the Quick Access Toolbar is moved from the very top of Ribbon to the bottom of Ribbon. Just click the Arrow button in the Quick Access Toolbar > Show Below the Ribbon. It’s very easy to deploy the QAT location. Some Outlook users may require to change the location of Quick Access Toolbar in the Ribbon. (3) There will be many qat files in the destination folder if you have customized the Quick Access Toolbar in many windows, such as messages composing window, message reading windows, appointment windows, etc.Ĭhange the Quick Access Toolbar location in Ribbon () If you are using Outlook 2007, the qat files are shown as xxxx.qat file if you are using Outlook 20, the qat files are shown as xxxx.officeUI

how to disable quick access windows 10

In the opening folder, you will get the qat files. Open a folder, paste the following path into the Address box, and press the Enter key.Ĭ:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office 3 Right click or press and hold on the selected folder (s), and click/tap on Remove from Quick access. 2 In Quick access, select one or more unpinned folders under Frequent folders. 1 Open File Explorer (Win+E), and click/tap on Quick access in the navigation pane. And you can get the QAT file location easily with following method. To Hide a Specific Folder from Frequent in Quick access. When we customize the Quick Access Toolbar in Outlook, it will generate files for the custom settings and save them in your computer automatically. Get the Quick Access Toolbar file location

How to disable quick access windows 10