"Band Plays in Admiral's Arms" - The instrumentalists are a who's who of Australian alternative rock.
Footage of vampires entering the Admiral's Arms is used later in the film when Jesse returns for a second visit. In it we just see Jesse getting off the subway and then walking down a dark alley towards the Admiral's Arms.
"Jesse goes to Admiral's Arms #1" - The filmmakers shot a scene where Jesse visits the Admiral's Arms prior to her Talamasca presentation, but cut for pacing purposes.
In it Marius tells Lestat that what keeps him going is seeing what human beings are going to do next.
"Marius talks with Lestat on the Beach" - The scene was trimmed to improve pacing.
The roommate scene, featuring Pia Miranda, came right after she watched Lestat on MTV, and before the first visit to the Admiral's Arms.
"Original Jesse Dream Sequence and Meeting Roommate on the Street" - Jesse's encounter with a vampire in her dream was cut due to the fact that it raised too many questions as to wether Jesse herself was a vampire.
However, the production team was not pleased with the prelimenary visuals created for the scene, and ultimately, decided to skip the scene altogether.
"Original Opening Sequence with Timelapse" - The idea of this opening scene was to show the passing of the decades to which Lestat slept.
DVD release includes full unedited versions of Lestat's music videos for "Redeemer," "Forsaken" and "System", and Lestat's full concert performances for "Not Meant For Me" and "Slept So Long".