(It’s possible to put some specific folders and shortcuts to programs and shortcuts to files in the All Apps list. When you right-click on a program or folder and drag it to the Start button, Win10 brings up a floating notice that you can “Pin to Start menu.” But that floating notice is currently bunk, as I couldn’t find any way to pin a dragged program, folder, or file to either the left or right side.īottom line: There’s no way to put your folder or file on the left side of the Start menu. Right-clicking a program on the left side of the Start menu and choosing Pin to Start will create a Tile for that program on the right side. You can also click and drag a program from the left side of the Start menu to the right side (aka the Tiled side), and it will appear among the Tiles, but this action will remove the program from the Most used list. In the “Most used” section, you can click and drag a program from the Start menu to the desktop, and this will create a shortcut to the program (and leave the entry on the Most used list). In the shipping RTM version of Windows 10, you can’t drag and drop programs or folders to the left side of the Start menu, as you could with Windows 7.